Fiche cheval ready to win

R2C8 du

plathandicap 10257happy valley1200M217043mut wah handicap - section 211 partantsdépart à 14:20
13golden empireH60p(23)0p9p0phewitson l./101:10
22nicconi countyH61p4p5p(23)9pteetan k./11 l 3/4
34act of faithH64p6p(23)6p1pavdulla b./11/4 l
48righteous arionH53p4p(23)5p1pchung y.l./11/4 l
59mega bonusH70p1p(23)0p0ppoon m.f./11/4 l
610oriental smokeH75p0p0p9pyeung m.l./13/4 l
711ready to winH83p0p(23)7p6pbadel a./11/4 l
87hossH69p8p(23)0p6patzeni a./13/4 l
95prince of portyH65p5p5p(23)5ppurton z./11/2 l
101lightning boltH68p5p(23) l 3/4
116conti contiH5Inéditchadwick m./17 l 1/2

R2C8 du

plathandicap 15107happy valley1200M217527shek o handicap12 partantsdépart à 14:15
16beauty gloryH55p7p2p3p7pchung y.l./101:09
22grateful heartH73p9p0p9p8patzeni a./1cte tete
37sweet briarH53p1p1p8p4phewitson l./1tete
41lightning boltH51p1p9p7p5ppurton z./11/2 l
511jumbo fortuneH50p8p8p0p9pteetan k./13/4 l
610ready to winH71p5p7p4p8pchadwick m./11 l 1/4
74seizing the momentH70p0p9p7p0pavdulla b./11 l 1/2
85storm legendH50p7p0p1p1pbadel a./11/2 l
98youth powerH3Inéditleung k.c./1encolure
109lucky gorH55p1p6p8p9pferraris l./11 l 1/2
113kimberleyH40p0p0p0pcurrie l./11 l 1/4
1212e universeH40p0p5p9p9pyeung m.l./11/2 l

R2C8 du

plathandicap 23510sha tin (hong kong)1200M208898badminton 1200m handicap12 partantsdépart à 08:35
Non-partants : 2
111kimberleyM40phewitson l.194/14 l 1/2
2o'linerH50p0pchau c.l.107/1
111lucky encounterH41p2pteetan k.2.25/101:09
25reward smileH31pcurrie l.3.95/13/4 l
39northern beachesH49p5pchadwick m.86/13/4 l
410silver sonicH54p0pbentley h.28/1encolure
54shining gemH86p6p0p0p6pwong e.c.w.23/13/4 l
612compassion spiritH75p8p4p4p9pyeung m.l.40/1cte tete
73show respectH38p8p8p0pavdulla b.42/1encolure
88ready to winH72p0p7p0p6pho c.y.10/13/4 l
96prince of portyH52p1p1ppurton z.3.65/1cte tete
107nishikadoH40pleung k.c.187/12 l

R2C8 du

plathandicap 24961sha tin (hong kong)1200M208898the association of hong kong racing journalists challenge cup (hand)12 partantsdépart à 08:35
Non-partants : 4
17reve parisienH70p(22)9p0p7ppoon m.f.28/101:10
210ready to winH70p7p0p6pho c.y.16/1tete
36e legendH66p8p0p1p4pchau c.l.18/1cte tete
48wonder kitH56p2p3p4p0pbentley h.5.9/13/4 l
55czarsonH75p5p5p6pleung k.c.19/1cte tete
69noble winH50ppurton z.4.45/13/4 l
73midori beautyH50p(22)4p4p4pchadwick m.3.7/1tete
81good buddyH63p0p(22)6p1pbowman h.5.05/13/4 l
92brave dreamsH51p4p1p2p2pde sousa s.10/11 l 1/4
4thesisH47p9p0p(22)0pnon partant/1
1012texas moonH50p(22)0p4p0phewitson l.25/1encolure
1111setantaH60p0p0p4p8pcurrie l.64/1tete

R2C8 du

plathandicap 26419sha tin (hong kong)1000M208898shaw alumni handicap14 partantsdépart à 08:40
111flying highH61p2p3p(22)6pchadwick m.12/100:56
29cheval valiantH51p3p3p3pchung y.l.4.2/1encolure
32metro warriorH75p4p5p7p1phewitson l.18/12 l 1/2
48seasons witH42ppurton z.3.35/1cte tete
53pleasant endeavorH61p3p2p(22)4pleung k.c.6.7/1encolure
61run run coolH61p3p7p8pbowman h.16/1encolure
75california radH76p7p5p(22)0ppoon m.f.10/1encolure
84nicconi countyH52p6p(22)5p4pde sousa s.17/11 l 1/4
913savvy delightH58p3p5p0phamelin a.29/11 l 3/4
106flying dragonH68p1p6p9pbentley h.47/11/2 l
1110ready to winH77p0p6p(22)4pcurrie l.58/12 l
1212silver sonicH5Inéditho c.y.87/1encolure
1314talents supremoH45p6p6p0pteetan k.13/1tete
147namjong singsH86p8p9p(22)4pbadel a.61/111 l

R2C10 du

plathandicap 28946sha tin (hong kong)1200M208898yau oi handicap14 partantsdépart à 09:50
18dragon's luckH53p(22)1p1phewitson l.5.95/101:09
26mighty strideH52p(22)1p1pbowman h.1.6/13/4 l
34mark the momentH52p7p(22)2pteetan k.16/11 l
43not usual starH61p(22)8pferraris l.48/1encolure
57phoenix lightH64p(22)9p1p4pbadel a.21/11 l 1/4
610invincible missileH8(22)8p8p0p7pbentley h.92/1encolure
71california radH75p(22)0p0p8pchung y.l.10/1cte tete
85naboo legendH53p(22)0p8p9pde sousa s.32/1encolure
99golden empireH58p(22)6p3p7pho c.y.16/11/2 l
1013gummy gummyH47p(22)6pchau c.l.90/1tete
1111ready to winH76p(22)4p3p0pleung k.c.21/13/4 l
1214island goldenH48p(22)0p0p1ppoon m.f.104/12 l
132sakewinH51p(22)5p0p6phamelin a.37/11/2 l
1412man starH70p9p(22)5p7pyeung m.l.108/13 l 1/2

R2C9 du

plathandicap 29955sha tin (hong kong)1200M208898tai tong handicap14 partantsdépart à 09:10
14not usual starH6(22)8phewitson l.68/101:09
22mark the momentH57p(22)2pteetan k.23/1cte tete
33naboo legendH5(22)0p8p9pbowman h.46/1encolure
41majestic knightH5(22)3p2p0p1pbentley h.10/1nez
56golden expressH5(22)3p2pde sousa s.2.15/1encolure
65ready to winH7(22)4p3p0p6pleung k.c.18/1cte tete
78pulsar striderH5(22)6p2p5pchau c.l.10/1cte tete
813brave starH5(22)1p7p2p0pho c.y.8.6/11 l 1/4
99california vanesH5(22)7p2p0p4pchung y.l.10/13/4 l
1011dragon admiralH5(22)0p8p0pmaia r.97/1cte tete
117crystal powerfulM49p(22)0p8ppoon m.f.153/11 l 1/4
1212dream pursuerH6(22)4ppurton z.5.35/11/2 l
1314charmanderH5(22)0p7p6pbadel a.131/1tete
1410magic phoenixH6(22)0p0p9p9pcurrie l.163/1nez

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